Read Bloglines Email Subscriptions in Google Reader

Update: Bloglines doesn’t have email accounts anymore. No email feeds will show up anymore.

Q: You want to switch from Bloglines to Google Reader, but you need email subscriptions?
A: Read your existing Bloglines email subscriptions through Google Reader.

Example of use

How do I read my Bloglines Email Subscriptions in Google Reader?

  1. Log in to Google Reader in a new browser window
    Leave that window open. Stay logged in.
  2. Go to this page and copy-paste the Google Token:
  3. Import Bloglines Email Subscriptions for…
OK = feed successfully added to Google Reader

Warning: Unsafe Links

The links to your email subscription feeds will contain your Bloglines Password in plain text. Do not share them.

Also, the links will stop working if you change your Bloglines Password.

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